In this article, I would like to give a brief description what should be considered if you want to setup a test environment in SUSE Cloud 5 for different users and/or tenants. Continue reading
Using SUSE Cloud to setup a practice environment
SUSE Cloud: instance has no IP
This article refers to a four node environment based on SUSE Cloud 5, consisting of 1 admin node, 1 control node (both SLES11-SP3), 2 compute nodes, one with SLES11-SP3, the other with SLES12. The SLES11 compute node was added later for debugging purposes. I won’t describe the issues during cloud deployment, they are part of the other posts in this blog.
If you decide to run your compute node on SLES12 it is very likely that your launched instances won’t get an ip address assigned during creation time.
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SUSE Cloud: nova-compute down
This article refers to a three node environment based on SUSE Cloud 5, consisting of 1 admin, 1 control (both SLES11-SP3) and 1 compute node on SLES12.
If you decide to run your compute node on SLES12 it’s likely that you’ll be facing some difficulties getting your cloud working. One of them is the service nova-compute.