Category Archives: cephadm
Cephadm: change public network
One question that comes up regularly in the ceph-users mailing list is how to change the ceph (public) network in a cluster deployed by cephadm. I wrote an article a few years ago when cephadm was first introduced that focused … Continue reading
How to migrate from SUSE Enterprise Storage to upstream Ceph
As most customers who use(d) the SES product (“SUSE Enterprise Storage”) should be aware, the product has been discontinued. The reasoning for that decision are not part of this article. Instead I’d like to address customers, users, operators or admins … Continue reading
Cephadm: Reusing OSDs on reinstalled server
This is my second blog post about cephadm, the (relatively) new tool to deploy and manage Ceph clusters. From time to time I feel challenged by questions in the ceph-users mailing list or by customers and then I try to … Continue reading