OpenStack with Ceph: orphaned instances part II

If you read my first article about orphaned instances this might be also relevant for you. I’ll just add some more notes to that topic so this article will be rather short. This report applies to a production Ocata environment and to a Rocky lab environment.

If you tend to use ephemeral disks for Nova instances (I do because launching an instance takes only a couple of seconds) you have to be aware that deleting instances might give you the impression that all is fine since the instance is indeed marked as deleted in the database, so it’s not visible anymore. But that instance could be still existing inside Ceph if you created rbd snapshots of that instance. I’ll show you what I mean:

# only one rbd object exists (Glance image)
root@host:~ # rbd -p cinder ls
root@host:~ # rbd -p glance ls      

# launch instance with ephemeral disk
root@host:~ # openstack server create --flavor 1 --image 5e61eaf9-f988-4086-8d03-982fdd656497 --nic net-id= vm1

root@host:~ # rbd -p cinder info ced41764-9481-4280-a2b1-1cd5ce894b5a_disk | grep parent
        parent: glance9/5e61eaf9-f988-4086-8d03-982fdd656497@snap

# create snapshot
root@host:~ # rbd -p cinder snap create ced41764-9481-4280-a2b1-1cd5ce894b5a_disk --snap test-snap

root@host:~ # rbd -p cinder snap ls ced41764-9481-4280-a2b1-1cd5ce894b5a_disk 
SNAPID NAME      SIZE TIMESTAMP                
    18 test-snap 1GiB Wed Mar  6 13:28:28 2019 

# delete instance
root@host:~ # openstack server delete vm1
Request to delete server c1 has been accepted.

root@host:~ # openstack server list
| ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks |

So all is fine, isn’t it? The instance is deleted and our Ceph cluster has gained some more free space, right? Well, the answer is no:

# disk still exists
root@host:~ # rbd -p cinder ls

# and the snapshot is still present
root@host:~ # rbd -p cinder snap ls ced41764-9481-4280-a2b1-1cd5ce894b5a_disk 
SNAPID NAME      SIZE TIMESTAMP                
    18 test-snap 1GiB Wed Mar  6 13:28:28 2019 

The expected workflow should be the same as it is for Cinder. Deleting a volume backed instance leaves a Cinder volume which can not be deleted if it has rbd snapshots, the attempt to remove such a volume shows a correct error message:

root@host:~ # cinder delete 8a1d789d-e73e-4db1-b21e-0ed79855ecce
Delete for volume 8a1d789d-e73e-4db1-b21e-0ed79855ecce failed: Invalid volume: Volume status must be available or error or error_restoring or error_extending or error_managing and must not be migrating, attached, belong to a group, have snapshots or be disassociated from snapshots after volume transfer. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-85777afb-b52f-4805-ac06-cbb0cce55c12)
ERROR: Unable to delete any of the specified volumes.

Although the Cinder workflow also has its flaws: depending on the workflow of creating an instance and snapshots it also can happen that the Cinder CLI command returns successful after trying to delete a volume with snapshots. You’ll have to look in the Cinder logs to find out that the volume actually was not deleted because of existing snapshots. These processes could (or should) be improved, but for Cinder they work (at least in general), they do not work for Nova. So if you delete Nova instances make sure you check for existing snapshots of that instance with:

root@host:~ # rbd -p  snap ls 

Be careful which snapshots you delete, they might be important. But on the other hand, if you already decided to delete the instance the snapshots can’t be that important. ;-)

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OpenStack with Ceph: failing nova snapshots

I have another experience to share with Stackers that use Ceph as their storage backend. In this environment Ceph is used for Glance, Nova and Cinder. I won’t get into configuration details, I assume you’re familiar with this kind of setup. So let’s dive into the issue.

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OpenStack with Ceph: slow instance boot

This is another article about OpenStack with Ceph as the storage backend. Like my other posts about this topic this is not about how to install and configure your private cloud but it’s more a collection of obstacles you could be facing. For me it’s also an online documentation in case I forgot what I did weeks, months or even years ago.

Now let’s get to it. We’ve been working with Ceph for quite a while now, it’s really comfortable launching instances within seconds. But from time to time we noticed that some instances took several minutes to boot, and there was nothing obvious happening on the compute nodes or in the Ceph cluster. So we didn’t really bother to debug it further, it’s not too bad if you have to wait one minute or so for a 6 GB instance to start.

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